Property Market News
% of Leicester people that work 49hours+
As an estate agent in Leicester, I am dedicated to understanding the unique aspects of our local community. Using data from the Office for National Statistics and the 2021 Census, this heat map illustrates the percentage of working residents in different areas of Leicester who work more than 49 hours per week.
This map reveals diverse working patterns across our city, highlighting how working hours can vary significantly between neighbourhoods. Some areas have higher percentages of residents working long hours, while others have fewer. This information can provide valuable insights into the lifestyle and work-life balance of our local population.
I am keen to explore what drives these differences in working hours. Are certain industries or job roles more prevalent in specific areas? How does this impact our community in Leicester?
I hope this map sparks thoughtful discussion and a deeper understanding of our city’s working habits.
Your thoughts and observations on this topic are most welcome!